Canvas: Video - New Quizzes Categorization Tool


Updated at October 28th, 2024


This video will show you how to use the categorization tool in Canvas New Quizzes. I've already opened up a practice new quiz. To add a question, I'm going to click the plus sign and select categorization.

Now, I'm going to give my question a title. In this question, I'm going to have students sort whether terms are states or cities, so I'm just going to call this "States or Cities." For the question stem, I'll just say, "Please determine whether the terms are states or cities."

Then, I'm going to select the category. I've selected two for this question, but you can add more categories if you have more things for students to sort. You could also do an open sort and just make your categories Group One, Group Two, Group Three, to extend students' thinking and have them sort the terms in groups that they determine.

Okay, now I'm going to start typing some answers and some cities. If I want to, I can add a distractor, which would not go into either column, but I don't have to add distractors. I'm going to select done, and I'll see on my end that everything's already sorted for me. But that's fine; that's not what my students will see.

I can actually go up to preview to see what they will see, and it puts me in student view. I see that students have the option for states and cities, and they can click and drag their terms to the correct column. For this question, since I do have distractors, I might put "Not all the answers belong in a column."

This is how you use the categorization tool in Canvas New Quizzes.



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