Canvas: Video - Organize the Dashboard


Updated at October 29th, 2024


Hi, friends! This is Theresa. I'm here to help you get organized. First off, hopefully you've been able to log into Canvas and get to your dashboard. Your dashboard is the very first thing you'll see when you log in. You'll notice, for example, here I have six different items that are currently on my dashboard.

One thing you can do first is actually move those cards around. For example, I may not really be working a lot with the personalized learning group right now, so all I do is click on the card and then drag that course to another area. You can just do that until it’s organized for you. For a student, that might look like reorganizing all of their cards in the order of their classes; that can totally work.

The second thing you can do, for example, is make them a little customized. This one here, KCS Connect 101, is actually where we built the course that you have out right now. One thing I may want to do is rename it, so I come up here to the three dots, click it, and instead of calling it the 101 building course, I may want to call it KCS Connect Original. I also may want to change the color because I love the color purple, so maybe that draws me there, and I may just want to pick a different color to apply to it. You click the blue button, apply, and then you'll notice that the card has now been updated.

See, you can rearrange, rename, and recolor here on the main dashboard. The other thing you may want to do is decide which courses are on the dashboard. Canvas does that for you if you haven't told it what you want. How I do that is come over here, down to the left-hand toolbar, to where it says "Courses," and I click on it. Not only do I get to see the list of six courses that I have on my dashboard, but I actually want to go to where it says "All Courses." These are going to be all of the courses that I am currently enrolled in.

What I may want to do is say, "Okay, you know what? This Personalized Learning Demonstration Classroom group I was actually working with during the school year, but I don't need it available on my dashboard right now." How I can get rid of that is to come over here to the orange star. You're going to click on the orange star, and it becomes clear, colorless, or white. Once it is reset and is no longer orange, it will no longer show up on your dashboard.

You may also notice, for example, the summer course. What those are for is for anyone who wants to have a sandbox area to play with content and build items before they actually move them into a course. We do this for teachers so that they can build during the summer because they don't yet have their brand new courses, which won't show up until the fall. Then a teacher can build in here and move everything over.

You have them as well, and so maybe you want to put two of those courses on your dashboard. Again, you would come over here and do the reverse: where it was clear or white, you're going to click on it and make it orange now. When I go back to my dashboard, all of the items that show up—the courses that show up—are the ones with all the orange stars.

So hopefully that helped you in getting organized to be able to find the courses that you want!



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