Canvas: Video - Organizing Student Homepage


Updated at October 28th, 2024



Hi my name is Jennifer Marion, see I'm a TPAC coach at Beaumont magnet Academy this is a short video on organizing your canvas page and making it more easily navigated for students.

You'll notice when you're on the teacher side you can see all these things here, and for students especially in the younger grades that can get quite confusing or hard for them to navigate. So what I suggest is going to your settings. If you'll see all the way down here, in the blue, click that hyperlink. From the settings you might start at course details, but you'll just go over here and hit the navigation. Notice that I just have a few of these things here for students so that they can see. I'm actually gonna drag one more down here so that it will not be viewable to students. Always remember to save those changes and that way they can be changed and that way they can it can be changed and then check your course to make sure that's what you want. So this is now what students can see and go so I do everything in my modules anyway. So it houses all the things that I want students to see. So that was easily navigated for students.



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