Canvas: Video - Orientation as a Teacher


Updated at October 25th, 2024



Hi friends. This next segment is about how to become oriented as a teacher to your course.

First, what we want to do is actually go into our course. So we're going to select the KCS Connect, which is our department course for teaching and learning supports.

You just click on the words. The first thing that will open up is the homepage. What I want to show you here is how to actually publish it. Your course will be listed here as unpublished on the right-hand side.

All you do to publish it is click the publish side, and it will turn green. Everything should be turned off right now. Basically, what this does is alert your faculty to the fact that they have a course, but nothing will show up until it's published.

They won't be able to see a whole lot except for this front page currently. Other than that, you can go ahead and notice one of my favorite features here on the right-hand side is the student view.

Sometimes I wonder what it is that a student would see in this course, and so this is one of my very favorite features in Canvas. It will show up with a kind of pinkish-purple box around it, and now I can actually see what the student sees.

All of the items that I see as the teacher that are part of the course navigation running down the left-hand side, the student doesn't see that. When we leave the student view, you have all of these things.

There are also all these little eyes with lines through them, meaning nobody can see that. What you saw on the front page was that it's at home and it said Google Drive.

Now let's get you oriented. The second thing, if you have not already connected your Google Drive to your Canvas account, you only have to do this once. Teachers will want to do it, but it will open up an amazing world to you.

Mine is already connected, but all you do is select Google Drive. As soon as you do, it will prompt you to log in with your KCS email and Google account. Put in your password and make sure that it's connected.

What you can see here is exactly what's in my Google Drive is mirrored here in Canvas. It makes it so easy, so I definitely recommend that.

The last item that I want to reference is down here at the very bottom, which is settings. It's actually under my picture, so I'm going to move me a little bit and click on settings down here at the very bottom.

This is basically what you'll see as a teacher, and students do not have this option. You'll notice up here across the top there are a number of different tabs. Some of which may be useful to you, some may not be.

At this point, I'm not going to try to teach all of this. You shouldn't have to do anything at all on the course details page, but you might want to.

For example, if you decide that you want some announcements written, you may want to move the announcements section up here.

Right now, people can't see the names of the other people in the course, but if you wanted them to, all you do is click on the item, drag it above the words that say drag items here to hide them from students.

Scroll back down and then click Save, the blue button. Again, that's always going to happen every single time.

For this, I'm not going to save it because I really don't want that to be seen. The last thing I want to highlight for you is the course calendar.

What this will actually do is allow you to put in all of your various due dates on your course calendar. This way, if a student is in multiple courses and everyone uses the calendar, all of their items will show up here.

You have two ways to do this. One is to start by hitting the little plus sign in the upper right-hand corner that says create new event. That is one way, and then you would actually pick the date and time, etc.

The other way is to come down here. You can see I've already done one for when our overview goes live. I'm going to switch to June, and what I want to do is say this is going to be the day that KCS Connect has a group discussion about the overview.

Where is that going to be? We're going to say it's a Microsoft Teams meeting. So that is on the calendar for everybody who's going to be in the course.

Once that happens, if they are on their own personal account, you will be able to see how I have my to-do list. You’ll notice the items that I put on my June calendar are there.

To ensure you're oriented as a teacher, keep in mind how to publish your course, how to attach your Google Drive, how to go into settings and use the student view from either the homepage or the student settings, and how to create an event on a calendar.

Those are the four items for this segment to help you get oriented as a teacher. Let us know if we can help.



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