Canvas: Video - Types of Work Students can Submit


Updated at October 28th, 2024



Hi everyone I am Whitney Barnett and I am going to use this video to talk about different kinds of file types or different kinds of submissions that students can make digitally.

So in this case II at home phase where we're all working from home and trying to find ways our students can submit work digitally. We're running into things that were never intended to be digital submissions but now we have to find a way to make them digital submissions and so I'm going to talk a little bit about some ways to do that. And one of the options that we have is Canvas. So we can create an assignment in Canvas for students to submit work back to us. And so I'm going to look at some of the different types of submissions and try to provide some ideas for products that may not have been intended to be digital submissions before. 

Alright so I am in our Canvas help for KCS at-home course, this is of course you can click and enroll in, it's got a self enroll code that is listed on our staff resources page on our KCS website. And in this Canvas course there are some very basic things to help you get started in Canvas if you've not used Canvas before and we also have trainings and support available for Canvas. So if you see something in this video and you want to try it and you're not sure what to do, jump on one of our training sessions or our office hours or individual support sessions and we're happy to help you figure that out. 

Alright so this course is organized in modules and which is just chunks of learning and that's our homepage. If you have students use of assignments and you have them click on assignments over here they'll get a link of assignments that they can submit work too so that's also an option but for this course I'm gonna add an assignment to the module. And so I'm adding an assignment. It's a new assignment even though it was something I may have assigned earlier in the semester it might be new to my Canvas course and so I'm just going to name this assignment submission demo because I want to talk about the different submission types that are available. And so I've created this assignment in the module you can see that it is not published yet. 

I'm not ready for it to be published so I'm gonna hold off on clicking that but I do need to go in and edit the details because all I've done now is created and give it a title. I haven't put anything in there about what students need to do or anything information about success criteria or any of that so here's my assignment. And Micki Daniel had made a video earlier about creating assignments where she really went into some details about things that you can include in here so I'm not going to cover those but know that that video is available in our Canvas course and our YouTube channel if you want to check that out. But this is where you would put all the details for the assignment and then in the options down here you can assign points or you can change it to percentage completing complete letter grades any way that you would like to grade the assignment you have that option. So for the sake of argument I'm just going to make this out of 100 points and what I really want to focus on for this video is submission types. So under submission type we have the option of no submission on line on paper or external tool now obviously we're not submitting any work on paper during our occasion so that one won't be one that we would choose. But when we go back to school and we have kids and classrooms there may be assignments that we include on Canvas for kids to have access to but the submission maybe a paper submission that they would turn in in class so that's when you would choose the on paper option. An external tool allows us to use some features through Google for a submission but I'm not going to use that one right now. I do have some concerns as students are at home and their home computer maybe our parent has a gmail and that's tied to the Google account on the home computer and if they don't log into their own Google account are we living in two worlds and sometimes that gets a little hectic. 

So for our time right now I'm gonna choose online submission and I want to talk a little bit about these four types of submissions. So a text entry submission is great if it's like a short answer type thing. This will give you a big textbox that looks similar to what I have up here and a tool bar but it's not meant for essay type submissions because what will happen is as kids are entering their thoughts or their product that they wanted to submit it will timeout after a while. So what's happened before students will start typing and it'll be several paragraphs that they're entering and by the time they get to the end and hit submit it says it's timed out and they've lost all of their work there is a way around that if they type it in a Google Doc and copy and paste it into text entry that would work but again that's a little more complicated so I would reserve this one for any short answer text message type entry that you want students to respond to. 

And then the website URL this is a great way around what I was talking about a second ago with students being at home and multiple Google accounts being used on the same device if students are trying to submit a Google Doc or some other type of cloud-based piece of work either from sheets or slides or something else anything with a share link this is where they would have copied and pasted the URL that link into this box. They can add comments and submit as well the media recording tab will allow them to record or upload media. So if they choose this one when they're ready to attach that media or create that media they would click this button and then they would have options of do you want to record new media or do you want to upload a file. If they're just uploading media they've got to go find that on the device and upload it. If they're actually recording it will give them the option to record video and audio or just audio and again it will be a start and stop type option for them. And when they record and upload that media and it walks them through it it's super simple to use and they would click assignment. The other thing that could happen is if students are allowed to submit more than once they'll see a resubmit tab. So maybe they submitted once and got some feedback and redid something. They could resubmit and you would see that in speedgrader as well you would be able to see those things. 

So I hope that thinking about these different file types has helped you think about how to change some of our in-class or on paper assignments to digital based submissions. But again if you need help or support with any of that we are happy to do so check the PD calendar and jump in on any of the Canvas trainings and we will be happy to help you through that!



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