Canvas: Video - Using the Calendar


Updated at October 25th, 2024



In this video we're going to talk about how to use the calendar feature in your canvas account. The calendar is a great way for you to know any kind of upcoming assignments, upcoming quizzes, or maybe a task that you have to complete for your class. 

Now there are two ways to get to your canvas calendar. The first way and probably the easiest way is as soon as you log in you're going to be able to see the calendar button on the left hand side on the main screen. Now if you're inside of a course like what you're looking at here you're going to see the option on the right hand side to click view course calendar. It really doesn't matter which option you choose these are just two great ways and fast ways to get to your calendar. 

Once you click on your calendar it's going to automatically show you the current day. Now it may be in month view or it could be in week view. Now I prefer month view I like seeing you know my entire week but also the next week kind of gives me an idea of how I need to schedule my time working for these assignments. If you're like a day by day or maybe you like looking at just the week you can switch that to just the week.

Now obviously I'm recording this video before you're in school so I'm going to go ahead and change it to the week that you do start school and you can see some assignments start to show up and I'll talk about that in just a second. First I want to point out the little calendar on the right hand side. Notice that when I changed it to August this changed as well and also notice that the 18th and 19th have a box around them none of the other dates do. That's quickly showing me that hey there's an assignment there that assignment or assignments that are due on these two days. The next thing I want to point out is underneath that calendar where it says calendars this is showing my student name but underneath that it's showing the actual courses that I'm going to be enrolled in as a test student. You're going to have more courses listed here than I do. What you want to make sure is that the box next to the course title is clicked and it's going to be colored once that box is clicked. 

So notice we have some assignments listed here on the left hand side but notice when I click on this box to uncolor it those assignments go away so it's going to be really important that you have the main courses that you're enrolled in make sure you have those boxes checked so your assignments show up on your calendar. Now your teacher may have some assignments that are not they don't have like a due date so they could be listed here underneath the due date or undated. 

Now let's talk about the actual feature here I'm going to switch to month view I kind of like that view a little bit better so I notice on the 18th I'm not I don't not only have one assignment but I actually have two assignments due that day so at 12 30 I have to have this assignment done it's a discussion on get to know canvas by 3 30 I need to have this quiz completed that's called tips and tricks for your Chromebook on the 19th at 3:30 I have an assignment that's titled tell me about you so hopefully this little intro on your canvas calendar has helped you figure out how to navigate it and how to use this feature to help keep you informed and what's going on in your classes now if you have any other questions please use the inbox feature to email your teacher.



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