Google: Video - One Original Many Places


Updated at October 30th, 2024


You will learn about the convenience of posting and sharing documents through a cloud-based service like Google Drive. You will need a basic understanding of Google Drive to grasp this topic, so if you're unfamiliar with that, please view our "Using and Organizing Google Drive" video, then return here to learn more about distributing your digital files to many places.

Google Documents, which are similar to Microsoft Word or Apple Pages, are digital documents that are housed in the author's Google Drive. Often, you'll hear Drive referred to as a cloud service. Items in the cloud, like Google Drive, can be accessed anywhere there is an internet connection, provided that the author has granted you permission to access the file. Whether I'm at work, on the go, or at home, I can access the same file online in the cloud through Drive.

How do we reach shared documents in Drive? If we are the original author of the document, we'll find that document living in our Google Drive. If the document belongs to someone else, we access that document through a link that the author provides. We can share our documents too, with others by providing access through a link. Because sharing documents usually happens through link sharing, that file is not only accessible on different devices; it can also be shared through different services like Parent Square, email, Canvas, and other services that provide an online space simply by posting a link to the document.

Accessing and posting cloud-based documents is convenient, but so is revising and publishing new versions. When a revision takes place on the original, those changes are immediately visible when anyone accesses the document through the link.

Let's think about the benefits of sharing digital access to documents versus traditional ways of sharing, such as attaching a file to an email or printing a file. When changes are made to the digital file, those changes are immediately published on the original and are visible to viewers. When changes are made to a static document, such as an attachment or something that has been printed, new documents have to be created and redistributed so they can be reviewed by the recipients.

Distributing a digital online file through a link is convenient and flexible. Consider how you might begin to use digital distributions in your work.


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