Hapara: Scheduling a Reoccurring Session


Updated at December 2nd, 2024



Navigate to your specific Hapara course you want to set a reoccurring schedule for.
15 Steps
1. Click on the specific course
2. Click on Schedule - This is where you will schedule sessions out in advance
3. Click on Schedule a session
4. Click on Guide browsing - This is where you will schedule Focus or Filter sessions. You can also schedule a Shared Link here, but not a reoccurring one.
5. Click on Create - Here you decide if you are setting up a focus or filter session
6. Click on minutes - Decide how long the session will be.
7. Click on dropdown trigger - Select the time
8. Type "cnn.com" - Select the website or websites you want to be in the Focus/Filter sessions
9. Click on add link - Click the plus button to add the website.
10. Click on Schedule
11. Type in the name of this schedule - This will be the name you will see on your schedule in Hapara
12. Check Repeat this session - This will pop up the option for reoccurring sessions.
13. Check the days you want the sessions to reoccur.
14. Click on the "repeat ends" dropdown - Select what day you want this reoccurring session to end. *** You can only schedule out 4 days in advance ***
15. Click on Schedule - This will set this session up for the selected time frame.




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