Hello, in this quick video we will be looking at different ways to utilize guided browsing within the Hapara platform.
So, what you're seeing is I have already selected my class and the default setting is going to take me to highlights and it's going to
automatically put me onto browser tabs. Now there are a couple of different ways to get your guided browsing going. So, the first way is if I am already in a classroom setting and I want to start a guided browsing session right that very second, I'm not looking to schedule it out in advance, I'm trying to start a guided browsing session now. Up in the right hand corner you're going to get a couple of different options we're going to focus on guided browsing. So, when I click on guide browsing it gives me two options. You're going to see set up a focus session which we're going to focus on here in just a second. Set up a filter session and then my templates down at the bottom. We'll get to my templates towards the end but I'm going to focus on first set up setting setting up a focus session.
It says allow students to access only a few specific websites. A focus session is taking specific websites that you want the students to only navigate to. This is not filtering out other websites that you don't want them to go to. This is selecting a few websites that only they are allowed to go to. So, I'm going to click set up a focus session and it's going to bring up this popup window. The very first one says open and focus focus on the following links. This is where I'm going to enter what specific websites I want the students to go to. So, I am just for this purposes I'm going to put
in & those are my go-tos when I'm when I'm doing these trainings. Okay so I put those two websites in. Now those are the only two websites when we start this session that they are going to be allowed to navigate to. If they try to navigate to anywhere else it is not going to let them it's going to redirect them to these websites.
Now, this next one is kind of important where can students go within these links the whole site or only the page so for example if you are
wanting students to only navigate to a specific article on a page or a specific page within a website I would want to click only the page and that's going to allow for them to only go to the specific URL that you have put in. Now I have put in a very broad URL that just takes you to their normal home homepage but if I had a specific article with a specific URL that I plugged in here and clicked only the page they would only be able to access what's on that specific page.
How long is this session up to 600 minutes. This is a good um if you are teaching a at a level in which students change classes. This is very important because you don't really want to schedule a focus session for students if they are going to be exiting out of your class. So, for example if I teach a 90 minute class I want to make sure that I leave this session on 90 minutes or maybe even a a little less so that when the students go to the next course their teacher doesn't have to release them from a focus session.
Keep all links that were introduced in the session open. So, thats going to keep those open it says restore students original tabs. So, for example if I have started the lesson with some free time and they're navigating to different websites and then I start a focus session restoring students original tabs means when I end this Focus session what they were originally working on will pop back up. If they were working on homework or whatever it may be, when the focus session ends those tabs will come back for them. That's just kind of a a nice way to allow for them to have their tabs back open. Usually we want that to be left on.
Yes, who is this session for within Hapara. You can create groups so if I'm trying to push a focus session maybe I have a group that is just working on a civil rights topic and I have another group that's working on maybe something to do with John F. Kennedy. Okay, I can make a group of websites and send it specifically to the Civil Rights group, start that session then begin a new session for the group that's working on John F. Kennedy. And I can give them two different types of focus sessions. I can make Focus session for a number of students individually or again the whole class.
And do you want to schedule this session for later. So, you have the ability within this to kind of push it out to a specific point but it won't let you create this repetitive um scheduling that we'll see here a little bit later so I'm going to leave that on no. At this point I can save it as a template. The purpose of saving it as a template is if you know that you do the same warm-up every single day and you want to focus in on a specific website I would just save it as a template because it's going to save you this the steps o having to fill this out every single day. It's just going to be a lot faster. So I'm going to click Start Session then you're going to get this pop up in the top right Focus session will start. We'll begin in blah blah blah okay so now that we're in, this is my one student which also happens to be my daughter. Okay she's offline so this is not going to bother her at all right now, but you're going to see you have one active guided session. Now if I had for example like we were talking if I had pushed out a session to one group and pushed out another session to another group it would tell me I have two active guided sessions going on.
Okay we're next going to click on review and it's going to show you how many students are currently under that guided session. It's going to show you what links are allowed under that if once I pushed them into the focus session I want to add a new website I can do that here as well. And then I can also end the focus session in this popup screen okay.
The other option that I get is to release all. So, if I click release all it's going to ask me one more time do you want to release
all the students from the focus session and they'll be able to browse the web without any Hapara restrictions. Click release off students and now that Focus session is over.
In the next video we'll focus on how to utilize the filter session within guided browsing.