MasteryConnect: Video - Creating Assessments New User Experience


Updated at October 23rd, 2024


They've introduced significant improvements to the user experience of assessment creation resulting in faster and more efficient processes and expanded options for utilizing Item Banks. Additionally the new user interface offers the conveyance of converting classic quizzes into Mastery connect assessments with just a few clicks. To begin creating an assessment navigate to your Mastery Tracker linked in Canvas where you will find the new Canvas icon. By selecting this icon you can choose from a list of classic quizzes within your course and convert them into Mastery Connect assessments by linking individual items to corresponding standards. Furthermore, to craft a new assessment simply click on the blue add assessment button and select create new. You'll also notice the option to include assessments from the community here as well. 

You can also grab assessments that you have already created to add them to your new tracker. First, you will give the assessment a title. You'll notice that because you're creating your assessment from within your tracker, your alignment will be to the standards your tracker is aligned to. If you are uploading an assessment you can select document based or if you are creating an assessment from an item bank or teacher created items, select item, then select next now you are ready to create your assessment. 

You will notice some significant changes from last year's user interface for creating assessments. Now you'll see that you are in a draft version of your assessment. No longer do you have to complete creating the assessment in one sitting. You can work on a draft of an assessment for as long as you need to before you save it and publish it. You'll also see how many standards are on your assessment in this box, how many questions, and how many points. Another updated feature is this scoring icon. When you click on the scoring you will see the default Mastery levels. No longer do you have to set the Mastery level for every single assessment. If you want to change or update the Mastery level for a specific assessment you can, but the defaults will always stay unless you choose to change them.

To add items to the assessment click the Plus and then choose if you're going to author a new item or add from the Item Bank by clicking on author the new item. You can create question types for your assessment or you can use items from the item Bank. Within the item Bank all items that are available to me will pop up. You can filter these items by clicking on the filter icon and filter by standard if you want to pick a specific standard and you can filter by item Bank. In the Knox County Bank are questions that are vetted by Knox County Mastery connect District admin and the Knox County teacher Bank are all items that teachers put into the bank that teachers create. Mastery item Bank supplemental and Mastery item Bank are the questions that come from Mastery connect that are aligned to our state standards. And then you will see your teacher Bank. 

I'm going to select Mastery item Bank supplemental and you'll notice I can also select Mastery item Bank. I can now select items from both of these Banks. I can choose my item type, I can choose how which passages I want to use, if this is an ELA assessment, the difficulty level the DOK level, blooms level. I can select printable if I want this to be a printable assessment and grade cam if I want to grade this assessment with grade cam. When you turn on grade cam All Tech enhanced items such as drag and drop will be removed from the assessment. I can also choose multi-part questions under other features. The preview of the question will come up on the right of the screen and my options are on the left of the screen. If I like the question I can click on the plus to add it to my assessment after I've previewed and added a few questions. I can select add items and now I see I have five questions from five different standards that are worth five points. I see that this is in draft form and will show up in my drafts in my tracker.

If I am ready for this to be finalized I can click create assessment this will save as you go so. It says it was last saved a few seconds ago and that's how I know that it'll show up in my drafts once you have created the assessment you will find it under assignments in your canvas course. Students cannot view the assignment until you select the publish icon.



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