MasteryConnect: Video - Fall 2023 Updates


Updated at October 23rd, 2024



We will review the recent updates made to the Mastery connect platform and offer critical details about its integration and utilization within the canvas platform. I will share various aspects including navigation, the integration process with canvas, the enhanced user experience for creating assessments, and other improvements. Additionally I will guide you through navigating the admin console to ensure an understanding of the management aspect of the platform.

You may have noticed that the Mastery connect icon is no longer available in the global navigation menu within canvas. This removal was intentional to promote teachers initiating trackers by linking them through canvas rather than accessing them directly through MasteryConnect. Teachers should link Mastery trackers by choosing Mastery Tracker within their course navigation menu inside their campus course. Although accessing is possible for teachers, the setup of trackers and the addition of Assessments must be conducted through their canvas course. Coaches, admin, and other stakeholders should access Mastery connect via and log in using Google. It is important to know that accessing the platform requires using the Chrome browser.

Important notes about Mastery trackers. Again, trackers need to be linked via canvas to guarantee that students can access them efficiently and that the reporting remains precise and transparent. A video detailing the procedure for adding trackers to courses has been shared with teachers. Additionally teachers need to complete the cross listing of their canvas courses before integrating the Mastery trackers. If they intend to do so the tutorial for cross listing is also available here along with the step-by-step instructions linked for you to have a look at. Note that when adding the tracker selecting the correct standard set is imperative. If teachers have chosen the correct standard set the MVPAS and EOCS are automatically uploaded into teachers trackers during their respective windows. All teachers will need to do is publish the assessment in their canvas assignments to give students access.

Teachers will have a new user experience when creating formative assessments this year teachers can select between creating an item-based assessment or a document assessment. An item-based assessment allows teachers to add previously created items or utilize MasteryConnect item Banks to create formative assessments. An upload assessment allows teachers to upload an assessment created from another platform or a teacher created an assessment and place it in Mastery connect to track student data. To create an assessment teachers will select the plus button to add items to the assessment. From here they can author new items or add from the item Bank. When adding from the item Bank teachers can use the filter icon to filter questions from the Item Bank. They can select from the different Item Banks available. If I just select Mastery Item Bank and Mastery Item Bank supplemental I know that I'm getting standards aligned items purchased by Knox County from Mastery Connect. I can create a single standard assessment or a multi-standard assessment. I can vary the question type, select the passages, vary the difficulty level, the DOK level, and Bloom's level. I can also select to only choose printable items or Select Grade cam.

To be sure that any printed assessments can be graded quickly via the computer's camera once I have my filter set the preview of the question is on the right of the screen and the choices are on the left of the screen. I can add a few questions after previewing them and create my assessment by adding the items. It's currently in draft mode and will stay in draft mode within my Assessments in Mastery connect and within my assessment list in my Mastery Tracker. I see that the assessment I created assesses one standard and has four questions. In the past teachers have had to set the Mastery level for each standard we now have a district default. Teachers can customize the Mastery levels but there is a predetermined District default. 

If teachers are finished creating the assessment and are ready to deliver the assessment to students they click create assessment. If the assessment was created within their Mastery tracker in canvas it will automatically go into their canvas assignments for students to access they will simply need to hit publish to publish the assessment. From teachers Mastery trackers they now have a tab that says assessments. From the assessments tab teachers can view all of the assessments that they've created. Drafts of assessments are up at the top and assessments that they have created that live in their tracker are located beneath the drafts. From here they can see how many of their students have completed the assessment, they can pull reports for the assessment, they can open the performance grader to see specific answers that each student responded, grade essay questions, and they can pull out a mini tracker that will show them how well students are doing with each of the standards assessed on individual assessments. This is also where they will be able to pull their own reports from the master review predictive assessment.

If you are a district or building level Mastery connect admin you will see the admin tab across the top of your screen when logging in to The admin tab will allow you to view all of the teachers within your school building or District. From here you can log in as teachers to view their trackers and assessments and you can also look at individual teacher reports. You can also access Mastery connect admin reports. There are a variety of different reports you can look at. the link in the bottom corner of the screen provides you with links to all of the information in this presentation including a link to Mastery Connect admin report options.



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