MasteryConnect: Video - Using Community Resources in MasteryConnect


Updated at October 23rd, 2024



Connect Community offers a platform for educators to connect and collaborate with fellow teachers who teach the same subject and use the same standards. There are two main ways to utilize this community. 

Firstly, Educators can follow other teachers by logging into and selecting more from the navigation menu. From there they can choose community and explore various options to refine their search. Teachers can search within their school or District to find and follow specific educators. By following a teacher they gain convenient access to any resources that the teacher utilizes which proves particularly beneficial when teachers or Professional Learning Community groups share common assessments. To follow or find a teacher in Mastery connect filter to your District or your school, find the teacher that you would like to follow, and select follow. 

Secondly, the community serves as a valuable resource for finding pre-made assessments. These assessments are created by teachers and shared within the district for others to use to find assessments. Click on assessments and the community will pull up. You can drop down the arrow to refine your search. Be sure to select the correct standard set when looking for your assessment. From here you can find assessments that other teachers have created and add them directly to your tracker or clone the assessment to make some changes. Be sure to review the assessments to check for alignment before adding them to your courses tracker



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