Microsoft Office: Video - Accessing Email, Teams, & Office 365


Updated at October 18th, 2024



Hello and welcome to Knox County Schools. Congratulations on your new position. My name is Brian Milan and I'm an Ed Tech Liaison here for Knox County Schools. I'm gonna be showing you how to access your email, how to access Microsoft Teams, and to access the entire Office 365 suite. 

That you have now access to. So I feel like the easiest way to do this is to first go to the Knox County Schools website. It's simply and this is the home screen that you're gonna find. Up here in the top right hand corner, you're gonna see a couple of different options. We want to go to staff as you're now members of the staff, we're gonna highlight over it and go over to where it says links. If you click on links, you're gonna get access to a lot of different information that you're going to eventually need. But for the purpose of this video, we're gonna focus in on just your email for right now. So as you scroll down here, you'll see that it says email dash office 365. I kind of show you the difference between email and when we say office 365 as we get into it, but we're gonna go ahead and click on.

 That I have signed out of my email to kind of give you a better example of what it's going to look like. So I'm going to click use another account and this is what you're going to see the first time that you click on it and it should be. The email that HR sit to you with your email address should be your first name dot last name at And you're going to go ahead and click type that in and click next. And then it's. And it's whatever password the HR sent to you on view to log onto your email and you can change it once you have logged in. 

So I'm going to go ahead and sign in. And you're going to most likely get this authenticator. And they're going to ask you to verify your ID. You can do it through text or you call. I'm going to do it through text. And then you just enter the code. And it's pretty immediate. You're going to get the code sent to you. And you're just going to type it in. Verify you can click. Don't ask again for 30 days and that'll speed it up. Stay signed in. Yes, we want to be signed in as long as you're using a personal or the laptop that has been provided for you. And this is your email. 

Okay, this is going to be your screen. All your emails are going to be under the focus tab. Others going to be emails that are sent from sites that don't have a relationship with Knox County schools over here on the left hand side. You'll see your inbox clutter just operates just like a normal email address. Alright. Email inbox and then there's your new mail. If I want to begin a new email, all of that is located right here. Okay. And we have other videos that you can have access to to show you how to put together a signature and to access all the features within your email. But this is. How you would access it. The very first time now you're going to need to utilize Microsoft Teams and the Office 365 suite. I personally feel like the easiest way to access all of that information is through your email itself. 

So if you'll notice over here on the left hand side. You get kind of the shortcuts. The very first one underneath your email is going to be your calendar. So I'm going to go ahead and click it. It's going to give you an overview of your month and what you need what you have coming up. If you have plugged anything into your email, this is a very useful source. If you are as you're going throughout the teaching year to have all of the information on what you need to get done right there located on your calendar. 

Okay. I'm going to go ahead and click this button is going to show you your apps. This is your Office 365 suite.  You have access. To Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, all of those things. You now have access to you can easily access them via your email by simply clicking on that button and clicking on any of these and we'll bring it up. Within a tab in your web browser. The other one that you will often find yourself using is Microsoft Teams. You again can access that in a couple of different ways. You can download an app onto your laptop. But me personally, I like to just have everything in one place and I access things through my email. So my Microsoft Teams. And this is going to be something that you'll use quite often if you're ever meeting virtually, or if you are you know, keeping a calendar via Microsoft Teams, this same calendar is going to sync with your calendar and your outlook and you have all that information right there. Okay. If you go to your calendar, which this is already on, you can see here on the left hand side, if you are on the different side. So, if you go to your different teams within your school building, back here on Teams, if they put any information on Microsoft Teams, it would be located on your specific team. But the one that you'll probably be using the most often is calls and calendars. So, if you go to calendar, you'll see up here at the top. New meeting meet now or join with an ID. I know a lot of schools are still utilizing Microsoft Teams for IEP meetings. You may say, Hey, we're, you may hear someone say, Hey, we're going to have this meeting via Teams. 

Again, the best and quickest, easiest way to access that. The best way to access that information is through your email. Okay. Again, congratulations and we're glad that you are part of Knox County schools.



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