Microsoft Office: Video - Basic Options, Manage Organizers, Download Attendance in Teams


Updated at October 22nd, 2024



Okay, so in this video, we're going to link a couple of different options that you have available to you when you are setting up a team's meeting.

So, I have gone ahead and started and clicked in the new meeting and I've added a couple of people here that I'm going to send invites to for the meeting. Before I even do that, a couple of options. Up here at the top, I have the option of scheduling assistant. What that's going to allow for me to do is it's going to allow for me to compare their schedule with my schedule and what they have available. You see that they are all of us are available in that 2 p.m. Time slot. If we were to go to 3, now you can see that my schedule, I've have something going on, but they are still free. So it allows for me to look at what is going on in their schedule and maybe I can place up the invite for the meeting at a better time or convenient time for all of us. That is located under Scheduling Assistant. 

I can also add people and optional people while I'm in this view to make it a little bit easier, but it gives me the ability to change the time and the day and stuff. You can their schedule all at the same time, but I'm going to go back to details. And over here to the right, you're going to get this cog that says options, typically the default is for you to see the count on this beginning about who can bypass the lobby, so who can join the who can join the meeting  directly without having to go into the meeting. You can select that for everyone. That means as soon as someone enters into the meeting they're going to be in the primary meeting. However, if you want people to wait in the lobby so that you get to decide when you want them to join, then you want to leave that on only organizers and co-organizers. That way, only the people who are involved in running the meeting are able to join automatically. Everyone else will be held in a lobby that you will be able to manually decide when they can enter. 

You can also turn on for the meeting to record automatically as soon as it starts. And it will notify everyone that the meeting is getting recorded. But we're going to click on more options. It's going to bring up this new window. I won't go through all of these because some of these are self-explanatory. 

The one that you're looking for is who's going to be your co-organizers. So co-organizers really have the same ability as you as the organizer setting up the meeting. They can present. They can share their screen. They can select record. They have all the power that a normal organizer would have. So you can search for participants by clicking in there and typing in their name if you have a lot of participants in your meeting, or you can click this drop-down menu and you can select who is going to be your co-organizer. So I just selected both people that are invited to the meeting. Who can present? That's it. I can select co-organizers and co-organizers. That's going to be the default setting always, but if you want someone to have the ability to present that's not an organizer, you can select who that specific person is and have them have that ability once the meeting has started.

One of the things that we get asked about a lot is the meeting chat. So if I drop the click the drop down menu, you get three options, have the meeting chat be on, have it be off, or in the meeting only meaning that, the only time that you will have access to type into that chat is during the actual meeting itself, not prior to or not after the meeting. After the meeting, the chat will shut down, but the default setting is for it to have or for it to be turned on. 

The last thing that will go over on this page is the attendance report. So we want to leave that on in case you're doing some sort of professional development, and you want to have the ability to have an attendance chart at the end of the meeting. Our meeting that will tell you who was actually in the meeting. 

Now, I'm going to click Save, and then I'm going to click Send, and it's sending the invite to all of those people that we just invited to it. If I go ahead and click on this, and click Join. Join now. Okay. You can see if I click People and show participants, you can see they are those are the two people that were invited to. What we're gonna be looking for is how we can download the attendance chart. So, as I'm looking at participants, so I've clicked on people and participants. I clicked these three dots. It'll say download the attendance list. And so that will give me the ability to download into it. I believe it downloads as an Excel file. Yes. No, sorry, a CSV file for you to manipulate and you can upload that into whatever professional development platform you're utilizing to keep track of the people who attended the meeting.

I hope this was helpful. 



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