Microsoft Office: Video - Sharing Folders/Documents with One Drive


Updated at October 21st, 2024



Okay, in this video, we're going to focus on sharing files and how to manage that access once you've shared the file. 

So I am back in my OneDrive under my files. We're going to go ahead and click on this folder. We're going to talk at the end of how to share an entire folder, but we're going to start with a specific document. So there's the, Getting on schedule that we talked about prior to. I'm going to click on this icon, which is the share item. And then you'll see here, people in our scanning school with the link and edit. We can always again, And we can change that to anyone with the link can edit people in Knox County schools, people with existing access or only people I choose. I would strongly recommend that if you're working within Knox County schools, you just leave that on people within Knox County schools. I think that's the safest bet to do. 

I'm going to go ahead. I'm going to add people to this. I'm going to type in Cat Shoun. Okay. Now the pencil with the drop down menu is going to give you the option. It's going to say if they, if you leave it on pencil, then that person that you're sharing the document with can edit it just like it was their own document that they can make changes as they see fit. Or you can put this on can view that way they can only see the document that you've created and they can use it. They can download it, but they can't manipulate the cloud version that you own. Okay. That'll only give them the ability to view it. 

Okay. So I'm going to go ahead and send this. It's going to send them a message that they now have access to it and then. This is linked to meeting, sent to Cat and we're good. Okay. Now looking back at that same document at any point, I can click. That shared button and it shows me down here who has access to the document. It's been shared with anyone with the link. So if that link is out there somewhere, anyone with the link in the county schools can access the document, but it's been sent to me and it's been sent to Cat. Those people have direct access. 

Okay. So I'm going to go out of here. I'm going to go back to my files. A couple of things here when I'm looking at my files, you can see the little folder with that little bitty person icon there. It's letting you know that that. Documents within this folder have been shared with people. You can see that that little person is not there on this folder. That means nothing within this folder has been shared with anyone. And then if you look over here to the right, it's got its own category of sharing items within it have been shared private private private. Now. When you're talking about sharing a folder, once I share a folder with someone, anything that's put within that folder, they're going to have access to. So if I click the share icon, you can see that anyone with a link and myself with a. Only people that have access to this folder, if I were to add someone to it, then they would have the ability to edit the documents that are within that folder. 

Okay. Again, it's up to you whether or not you want to operate out of one folder or if you want to give people a specific. Options to manipulate and edit the specific documents that you have.



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