ParentSquare: Introduction for Parents


Updated at October 15th, 2024


Welcome Parents!

How many times have you missed…

Flyers at the bottom

of backpacks?

Parent Teacher conferences?

Flyers at the bottom

of backpacks?

Introducing our school's very own parent app!

  • Stay connected from anywhere with our online portal and parent app Parentsquare!
  • Get all school notifications in one place. View only whats relevant to your children. Never miss out again!


Smart Alerts: Get school wide announcements at your fingertips.

One Tap Participation: For volunteering, conferences, event RSVPs, payments, permission slips, and more.

Two-Way Communication: Send & receive real-time messages directly with teachers and administrators.

How ParentSquare Works


1. Teachers & staff share school-related news on ParentSquare.

2. Parents receive, respond, sign up, and get automated reminders.

3. Everyone has easy access to all interactions in one place.

Get it in 3 Easy Steps!


1. Download the iPhone or Android mobile app.

2. Log in with your email or phone registered with the school

3. Start receiving posts relevant to your child.

How to Make Sure you Stay Connected


Activate your account & login.



Make sure the school has your correct email AND mobile phone number.


Set your notification preferences in ParentSquare

Choose Your Notification Preferences

1. Tap the “Hamburger Menu” icon at the top left corner. Then tap ‘Preferences.'

2. Tap ‘Notification Settings.’

3. Select how you'd like to be notified.

Building a positive and supportive school community.

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