ParentSquare: Video - PS for Administrators


Updated at October 17th, 2024



Hello, this is the session ParentSquare for administrators. Go ahead and grab your phone or other mobile device and open up your camera and you can scan the QR code that's right here so that you have access to the slides. The slides are also linked in- and the Canvas modules so feel free to open them that way as well, but you'll want to make sure you have the slides because you will need to interact with them as we go through this video recording. So my name is Jasmine Floyd. I'm one of the educational- technology liaisons and I've included my contact information here. So feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions as you do this session or if you would like to schedule some professional development for your teachers and staff after completing this to the- they can start the year off strong with ParentSquare.

We'll look at three different learning intentions for this session. The first one is really understanding the different ways of communicating with ParentSquare and that's post messages and alerts. Then we'll look at how can we engage families with creating some post add-ons which are additional features that ParentSquare offers for creating interactivity within the posts that we create. And then the last one is as an administrator you can see the first one is an administrator. You have the ability to view a data dashboard and you can use this to analyze your school's usage both by teachers and families of ParentSquare. 

As we start the session, let's reflect upon this. How did your school use ParentSquare this past school year? How did you use it? What were some things your teachers found helpful about it? What were some challenges? Think about how it was best implemented in your school this year. If you've not signed in a ParentSquare before, you'll want to go to and click on this sign in with Google Option right here and use your KCS credentials to log in. The first time you log into ParentSquare, it will ask you to confirm your contact information and ensure everything's correct. So go ahead and take a minute, open up a new tab in your browser. And sign into ParentSquare now with me. Once you are signed in, you'll be able to see this navigation screen similar to mine right here. In the center, very much like Facebook if you're a Facebook. You'll see a feed. This will be a scrolling feed that throughout the year will get longer and longer.Not only will you see your own posts in this feed, but you'll also see ones that you are attached to from your school. Any groups that you might, be involved in. If you have personal children that attend Knox County School, you'll see them come up here and then any from the district you'll see populate here as well. 

On the left hand side of the navigation, you'll see the navigation bar. And this is where you're going to create posts, messages, alerts. A lot of the interactivity is going to happen on this left hand side. And then on the right side, you'll see your sidebar, which will include any photos or files that you may have uploaded. But then you'll also see a calendar, both with district calendar events and then any events that you create or that you're attached to as well. So that'll populate as the year goes on. So let's dig right into the first learning intent. The first example that I mentioned, which was being able to understand the different ways of communicating in parents square. And this is something that's really easy to confuse because we sometimes use the terminology interchangeably such as posts and messages. But they do have different methods. It's a communicating. So the first one is a post. Think about this very much like a Facebook post. This is a public way of displaying information. So for teachers, this is a class wide communication tool where they. It would share all that information with everyone in their classroom. So for school leaders, this would be a way of posting school wide information, such as maybe a spring musical or. Maybe Friday is a pizza sale at your school. Upcoming football games, different things that you want the whole school community to see would be a post.

 As an administrator, you can select to send it to the whole school to a grade. So, you can also use messaging. Messaging is more of a private one-on-one communication. So, think of it like text messaging. So, this would be where a teacher, or a school leader needs to reach out to a student's family, maybe to schedule a conference, or just to check in on something, or even just to do a shout-out. This child is doing something really great, or if you want to thank a parent for volunteering. That would be a great use of messages there. Messages can be set to be private messages that one-on-one, or group messages, which could be helpful if you want to include a child's teacher in that message, or a guidance counter. You can come up with a counselor, or you want to include another family, or both sets of parents. So that's where group messaging is helpful. 

And then the last way of communicating is alerts. Alerts are going to be a way of communicating instant, timely, information, urgent information that needs to be sent out. And we'll look at those different ways a little bit later on. So now that we've talked about the three different ways, let's review a little bit by taking this quizzes about the, differences between a post and message and alert. So go ahead and pause this video and you'll want to click on this link and take a few minutes to do that quizzes.

 Now that you're able to differentiate between the three different methods of communication, we'll look at how we can create some engaging posts. And one of the easiest ways to increase the interactivity of your posts is by using the add-ons. When you go to create a new post, you'll see this post add-ons menu appear on the left-hand side of your screen. And it's got some different features that will actually add on to the bottom of your post. And allow families to engage a little bit more deeply with your content. The first one is a calendar entry or RSVP. This allows families to be able to add an event to their actual phone calendars or, computer calendars. And it gives them a little date icon they can just click on and it adds to Google out to Google or an outlet calendar. It also allows you to create an RSVP for an event which could be really helpful if you're doing, something where you want to know how many families and which families are attending. This is helpful such as maybe you're doing an awards assembly, you want parents to know the date and the time, but you also want to know how many families are attending so you could plan accordingly. 

Attaching photos or files allows you to actually add images or documents to your posts. This can be really helpful if perhaps there's a schedule or maybe like a program for an event and you can just upload. So if you upload that PDF right to your posts and then parents have it right there, they can add it to their phones. Photos is really helpful for sharing student pictures or videos. This can be a really great way of engaging families. Because they want to see what their kids are doing throughout their school day. They want to see pictures of their kids. We just want to make sure that anytime we're sharing photos of students, we do have media releases on file or videos of students who want to make sure we have media releases on file before we share them. We also have photos of photos even on ParentSquare. 

And then forms and permissions. This is a really helpful way of cutting out some of the papers that come home. We actually can create digital forms within ParentSquare such as for example. Maybe we need parents to sign off on something or we want to find out t-shirt sizes for field day. We can create a form. It can auto populate the student's information from Aspen so when the parent clicks on it, it's all. We already got their child's name and first and last name on there. The child, the parent can select the child's t-shirt size. Then it gets all sent back to the post owner and then you get a spreadsheet that has all that information in it. You can. Share out that information with grade level chairs or whoever your school needs it for ordering the shirts. So a really great way of minimizing papers that are sent home but also getting papers that sometimes gets stuck at the bottom of backpacks or end up on. The floor in the hallways to make sure they actually make it home so parents get that information. 

And then asking for items. So this is very much like sign up genius which a lot of teachers are used to using. This allows you to create a. A list of some items you might need for maybe a school event or even like a classroom wish list. Parents can sign up for items. It lets them know which items have already been signed up for. It will even email them a reminder. To let them know what item they've signed up for and when that item is due. 

And then requesting volunteers works very much the same way. You can create time slots for volunteers to come and help at an event such as maybe a book fair event or a field day, some kind of assembly that you would want to balt some extra hands on deck. It allows families to plug into the school community. They sign up for a time. It sends them a reminder that they've signed up for a time. Of course, they'd still need to complete, those forms at your school for volunteering, but this is a helpful way of just keeping track of who's volunteering and getting that help that you might need for an event. 

You can also create templates within parents', square. So this is really helpful if you already have a pre-existing newsletter that you send home regularly. Maybe you're sending it paper or maybe you're emailing it. I would urge you to consider switching to sending it through parents' square because, because you can actually save that template and then use it week after week or you could even use one of the templates that parents square already has created within the database. To access the template when you go to create a, new post, we just click on this little icon that's here, this little picture frame icon, and then click on the newsletter template that you would like to use or create your own. So the nice thing about using templates within parents square is that it will auto-translate the template. So if you have a family that has selected, for example, Spanish as their native language, when you go to send that newsletter out, it will actually auto-translate it into Spanish. The family could even reply or comment on your newsletter. And in Spanish, it'll send it back to English for you. So a really great way of bridging our gap between some of our non-English speaking families. 

If you would like to create a template for your school and you want to have like your access to your school, you want to have a good day. So if you want to have a special school's logo on it and you want to consider like some style and layout features, feel free to email me because we can work on getting a template designed for your school newsletters and having that push out to ParentSquare. So let's think about some ways that you can use add-ons this school year. So think about a post that you could create for the beginning of this school year and what's an add-on that you could add to that post. For example, an event, a sign- up for items, ask for volunteers, attaching a file to it. What are some things that you could do at the beginning of the school year with ParentSquare? Alright, now that you've thought about it, we're actually gonna try, it. So in just a minute, I want you to pause this video and then click on your ParentSquare tab that you have opened already and you're gonna create a post with an add-on and then you're gonna save it as a draft so that you can actually send this post out later on in the summer or at the beginning of the school year when you so choose. So I'm gonna walk you through how to actually do that now. 

So to create a post in ParentSquare, once you are logged into ParentSquare on the left hand side, you'll create, you'll click on post. Which I already did and then I clicked on new posts and once I'm there, I get to this window right here. So you'll see at the top, you can actually, when you click on this box, it'll populate either your school or grade levels and you can click on who you want your to- I'm going to click on the target audience to be. And then you can decide, do you want this to be sent out with the teachers as well or just the parents? If you are a high school administrator, you can also send it out to students. Ninth through 12th graders have something called StudentSquare. They can use that as well to access their their square accounts. And then you'll want to put a subject. And then you'll create your content within the actual box here. And then on the left hand side, here's those add-ons that I mentioned before. So so I'm going to show you how to do this. So this is where you just click it and then at the bottom of your post, it'll populate like that calendar entry box and you'll fill in all that information for dates, times if you'd like RSVPs and so on. You can create more than one add-on in a post and I'll show you in just a- second what that looks like. Once I've selected a target audience over here to the left hand to the right hand side, you will see some numbers populate. So that will let you know how many users are actually going to get the post. It'll also let you know do your- users have it set to instant, which means they'll get that post emailed right away. Or do they have their notification settings to digest, which means they would get that post at the end of the day. Excuse me, at the end of the day, as one email with all of the days. A lot of families select this if they have multiple children in Knox County at different schools. This way they're not getting multiple posts throughout the day. They just get one at the end of the day in an email with everything that I just did altogether.

To save this as a draft on the right hand side here, we would not go to post now. We'd click on that drop down arrow and then save as a draft and then later on we can find that and then post it when we would want to go ahead and send it. If you do know when you want to send it you can go ahead and schedule it there as well. You'll also see these features over here to the side. You can bypass a user's notification settings and send this post instantly to all users. Just don't do that all the time because we do want to pay attention to a user's notification settings and send out information urgently when it's necessary but not all the time. 

I'm going to show you some examples now of some different posts and what they look like. So, here's an example of when I made for Meet the Teacher Night. This one actually has an event add-on so here parents would just be able to click on this icon, add it to their Google calendars. I made this one in RSVP so they can click yes or no they'll attend. I'll get that down. I added an image poster more likely to be viewed if you add an image whether that's an image. Of a child if you have a student media release on file or just some clip art. We want to include some kind of image because then think about it when you're scrolling on social media. If you see an image you're more likely to stop and remember what you read then if you just see text. We also. We want to keep our text concise and simple and consider our audience when we're writing to make sure the information is read thoroughly and the information that you really want to be captured is actually sent through. We can use different colors and bolting of font and. Style in order to really tie in our users attention so that they see okay this is on all this fit this is the time this is what the event is for so that I can remember it better. Here I've used a file add on or I've attached a file. So this is a meet the teacher event so I've actually attached the kindergarten school supply list. When parents click on this they can just download it right to their phones when they go shopping they don't need to go find it on the school website they can actually just have it right there easy access I can download multiple files. So you could do one for every grade level if you wanted to. 

And then I can also see here how my users are interacting with my post. So once I've posted I can actually see that for this one seven people were notified if I click on that icon. And I'll show you in a little bit you will actually be able to see who has viewed your post who's clicked on it or who still hasn't read it. And if any of them are undeliverable. If it says undeliverable you'll want to reach out to that family and correct their content. So that's an example of a meet the teacher want. Here's an example of one. Here's an example of one. A one for an event to the elementary track meet. Here's my I have my event date here. The parents could just click on got an image. I've got some bold text keeping it concise. This one actually has a sign up list. So I'm asking for some items. It lets me know how many spaces, how many volunteer or how many parents need to sign up for that. Those parents are going to get that alert letting them know that they've signed up for something and reminding them to bring that item in. I can also set up some volunteer times. I need parents to do something from nine to ten, how many I need parents can sign up. I will have that information at the ready in order to be able to know who my volunteers are going to be. So just some different ways of interacting with posts and, creating some posts that are engaging. So now that we've seen an example, go ahead and pause the video and then create your own post with an add-on, save it as a draft. This is going to be one that you use for back to school.

 Alright, I talked about student administrator. So high schoolers have students square. It works exactly like parents square. And so what you will do is if you want to send this to your students as well. If you're a high school administrator when you go to select your audience. You'll want to also select students there. Students would just go to sign in with their Google accounts. If they download the StudentSquare app they can even do it on their mobile devices. So this is really helpful for really getting. Getting our students communicating with their families as well. Here's what those analytics look like for the post that I talked about a little bit ago when you click on that eyeball icon on your post after the post goes. Live you'll be able to see a screen that looks very similar to this one. It will show you the users. It will show you the language that they have set for ParentSquare and then you'll be able to see it was delivered. I can see here when red was not delivered so I'd want to reach out to that parent and get their information corrected in Aspen. I can see are they getting it as a text and email? Are they having the app downloaded? This is helpful so I can encourage families to download the app so they can more easily get their information.So I can see that the app is still in the ParentSquare and then it will even let me know did they click on the message or is it still sitting on red? So some helpful information there for delivery statistics.

So now that you've created a post, let's talk about some ways. So I'm going to show you a few things that we can engage our families. There's two articles here. So in just a minute, go ahead and pause this video and read those articles. Alright, those two articles really focus on not just kidding. I'm communicating with families, but engaging with families. So what that means is when we think about engagement, we think about it as a two-way form of contacting families. So not only are they receiving information from the school, they're, They're also replying back. They're volunteering for things. They're commenting. They're interacting with your post. So it's that two-way engagement versus just you sending and them receiving information. And then there's a, The article talks about 10 ways to really engage families considering some things as partnering alongside families, thinking about word choice when we're creating posts so that we're creating more of a we environment at our school versus an a, and then you do this and then think about contactability. Is all the information correct in Aspen, our family is getting this content that they need to best their students and their learners. And then thank you. 

So, we're talking about language settings. Do we have some families that are non-native speakers that haven't selected a second language so that they can receive it in their preferred language? And then having families participate. So, creating opportunities with those. 

So, we talked about using photos to really get a glimpse inside the classroom. Forms to limit the paper, but also make sure paper is getting home. And then we can use polls, which is something I didn't mention before. So when I am in a new post, if I click on, I go back to posts, instead of clicking on new, post, I can actually click this drop down right here, and then I can create a new poll. A poll will allow me to survey families for just different things. So maybe we're gonna have an event with some food trucks, and I want to find out what are their favorite types of food, so we get the right food trucks on. So I'm gonna go ahead and see if I can get a poll on campus. That would be an example of a poll that you can send out and just get a poll son what families are thinking and saying. And then the last one is just encouraging them to sign up for a poll. And for items or volunteers providing opportunities for families to support the school. 

Alright, so we talked all about posts. Now we're gonna transition to talk about messages. Remember messages is like that texting direct messaging conversation. So we're gonna get a conversation between you and a student's family. This works really well in the mobile app. So this is one of the reasons we want to encourage families and high school students to download the app. It's because messaging works really well within it. It looks very much like texting. So if a family has selected a different language other than English as their primary language, it will translate it. If a family in Aspen has already selected a different language. That language translate automatically transfers over to ParentSquare so the family doesn't need to make any changes unless they've not made that selection in Aspen. And so when I go to send something in English. If a family has selected another language it'll automatically translate it into their native language. They can reply in their native language. It'll translate it back into English for me to read. So a really great way of bridging that gap with some of our unreached.

So the direct messaging is like real time chat so it happens instantly. You can select more than one recipient so let me go into messages now so I can show you. So once I clicked on messages on the left on the hand side I clicked new message and then here in the recipient's box I can actually start typing in a staff member, a student, and it'll populate their parents or if I know the parents name I could start typing. As an administrator you'll have access to the entire school teachers will just have access to the students that they teach or students that are within groups like clubs that they are sponsoring. I type in my message here I can even attach a photo or a five file to that message. If I would like this to be a private message I just type in one parent and I select private once that box populates here. So what that means is that I would just be contacting that parent. Now if I select group message. That allows me to add multiple users and they can all comment and see everyone's reply. Just like a group message would be on your normal phone when you're texting. This is helpful if I want to make sure that both sets of parents are included in a message or a, if I want to tag in maybe a guidance counselor or a homeroom teacher into that conversation, I would select group message. Everyone there can see each other's comments. They can all communicate with each other. If I want to select both of the students' parents but send a, it privately, such as maybe in custody issues or things like that, I would select private and what that does, it would send the message to both parents but they wouldn't be able to reply to each other and they wouldn't see each other's comments. So that's the difference between privacy and privacy. And group messaging.

Alright. The last way of communicating on parents' wear is alerts and so there are, as an administrator, you have the ability to send two- different types of alerts. You can send smart alerts or urgent alerts. To access alerts on the left-hand side, under where we saw posts and messages, you can go to alerts and notices, or you can also, go to where you create a new post, click that drop-down, where we looked at before for new poll, and just click new alert. It'll walk you through the type of alert that you want to do. The smart alert is gonna be like a timely alert or a remote, ,and it's gonna be a reminder. So examples would be maybe an event gets canceled, like the football game gets canceled, or like it's like delayed by an hour. Maybe you want to remind parents that tomorrow is picture day. These are, ,the ones that you can schedule, or you can send them instantly. So if it's a smart alert might be something you know of ahead of time, such as picture day tomorrow, you could go ahead and schedule that. You can also choose the method that it's delivered. Now an urgent, alert is going to be your most critical information that you need to share out. So these are going to be things like an emergency procedure. So just says a severe weather dismissal, maybe dismissals being delayed because of that severe weather. Maybe a bus is running behind or something and you want families to know right away. So also critical threats, these would be things that you want to be sent out instantly. And so this automatically does not have to be sent out instantly. And so it's not going to be the default to be sent as an immediate text, email, and if you've selected a voice conversation, a voice call as well. When we get those snow day closures, they're being sent this way. So an urgent alert. There is something that you would use for a critical event that you want to make sure you bypass all of the user's notifications. They get that, that alert instantly. So something to reflect about is how to learn a post and alert. So this would be a time to go ahead and do a test alert, create an alert just a test message in order to know that you know how to send an alert before the need arises. And then also ensure that your admin team knows how to post an alert also because you may not be on campus that day when the alert needs to go out and it's important that someone else can also post that alert. 

So that makes us consider what access does your admin team have? So does your admin team have the admin privileges in ParentSquare? So some of your assistant principals may already have access from this past school year. Maybe you have. You have new assistant principals this year that need access. Feel free to email the help desk. There's their email address right there. If you would like to request access for your admin team and these are some of the permit permissions that admin access grants you. You can also send your email address to your parents. So this is up to your personal preference. The people that you select to be admin users within your school's parents square instance.

Alright. The last thing we're going to look at today is the data dashboard. This is something that rolled out at the end of this past school year from ParentSquare. It was a new feature that allows us to dig a little deeper on our school specific data. And to get to the notifications activity dashboard, there are directions here. If you click here that walk you through step by step, they also walk you through what the different reports look like. I'm going to show you from, My screen. Once I'm in parent's square, I can click on this admin tab at the top and then click on notifications at the top. Google see three different tabs populate with information. Mine has no data right now but you'll see data. Corporation's schools overall usage, your teachers and staff usage, and then the recipients, families, or students if you are high school. You can toggle between dates, you can toggle between post direct messages or alerts, and see lots of different data on the different ways that your families, teachers, and students are communicating with parents square. 

So some things to look for as you're looking at those reports is when you're looking at the alerts percentage, we want to see no more than 10 to, 15% of our total post count be alerts. Remember alerts are that timely urgent information. So it shouldn't be more than 10 to 15% for the rest of the way of communicating. It really should be. So you can see the post and messages. Look back at the past 12 months and track your low and high data usage and does it correlate with school calendar so you would expect to see low usage on the weekends or holiday breaks. But you would expect to see higher usage like in the middle of a school week or during important events during the school year. So think about some reflections there. Do you see some discrepancies there? And then when you're looking at the next slide. 

Looking at your teacher usage, you can look at who's posting the most. Those might be your high flyers that you want to recruit to really spread the word about ParentSquare at your school or who's posting the least and maybe. Target those as some areas of growth. And then looking at are we seeing some teachers posting too much or posting too little because both ends of those could cause challenges for families? We don't. We don't want to post too often that we're inundating families with information, but we also don't want to post too few, few posts. So we want a happy medium there. And then do you see a teacher that's maybe only you. 

So a common misconception that we saw this past school year was we were seeing some users only use messages and not use posts. So we want to make sure that we're not just going into messages and clicking every student that we teach. And then sending that out. That would be an example of where we'd use a post when it's that public information. We want the whole class to see. So if you're seeing that, that would be an example of a time to share. Let's use posts using those messages. For that one to one communication. And then when we look at our overall percentages, anything above 30% is considered good by parents square for teacher engagement with posts and messages. 

So let's reflect. How can you use this data to empower your teachers and your school families? What are some ways that you can use some highs and lows to really move forward this year with increasing communication and engagement between. One of the biggest ways to encourage usage is to encourage users to download the app. So you yourself having the app on your phone is handy. So you can use your app to help you use your app. So you don't always have to be tied to your computer to use ParentSquare but also encouraging families and teachers to download the app. So I've included the QR codes there. Easy scan download the app. The students high school. So the medical students would download the student square app. This was the ParentSquare one. It includes some additional information now that we haven't covered throughout the session. That may be helpful. 

If you have not changed your account settings. And you want to make them your personal preferences, you can go into my account by clicking on your name at the top right corner of ParentSquare. And then you can change some things here such as language preferences. This is where a family would go to change their language references if they wanted to select a different language. You do not need to go here to send a message in a different language. That would automatically happen on the user's end. You can also change notifications. So if you would like your email, for example, to be set to digest, so you get all that at all the posts in one email at the end of the day, that's where you can set it. Or if you would prefer to see instant, you would see that there as well. Remember we can. You can't bypass notification settings for alerts, so those alerts can't be turned off. Those are set that they bypass a user's notification. 

And then office hours. This is really helpful because it allows families to, to see when your office hours are, so when you're available. So for example, if you said it that you're out of the office on the weekends, families would go to try to send you a message and it alert, it alert, it would alert them that you're out of the office not to expect an instant reply. They can still send the message, you can still reply if you so choose, but it just gives them that little reminder that not to expect an immediate response. 

Another feature, the parents. The ParentSquare has is the ability to create appointment signups back where we created a new poll. So when I went to new post, I can actually. Click on that drop down and I can click appointment signups and this is really helpful for like a parent teacher conference night. We're gonna have like a school wide event teachers can create their own sign up within their class. They can set up. Kind slots parents can sign up for a time slot. They can even set in transition periods between appointments and then it will send those automatic reminders to parents to let them know they've signed up for a conference with their child's teacher and then you've got a really easy spreadsheet of tracking parents that are coming in and having conferences.

 Alright, and then lastly is the participate section within ParentSquare on the left hand side of the navigation- menu where we see create pose, create messages, all that stuff, you'll see a participate tab. This is where you'll see groups. Groups, think about them as like smaller classes within parents square. So these are things such as extracurriculars or s- sports. You could even create a group for like a grade level and for your grade level chairs. So these are smaller groups of people that we want to share information with. So for example, maybe you have an art club at your s- school or robotics club, you can create a group for the robotics club. Add that teacher as an owner of the group and then they can manually add the students that are in their robotics club and they can message those families about important events, use ParentSquare just like you would with your normal classroom. If you are a high school teacher or high school administrator, those groups can also be used with students. So this is really helpful to let student athletes know for example, oh, practices cancelled. So you can also be able to view any groups that you're a member of as an a. Administrator. 

If you are a junior high or high school administrator, you should see that you're a member of an incoming six grade group if you're a middle school or an incoming ninth grade group if you're a high school administrator. So this was. Actually where you can communicate with your incoming freshman or incoming sixth graders to let them know about some events that maybe are happening over the summer Such as maybe band tryouts different things like that that you'd want to get them plugged into before they're actually on your campus.

Alright, if you do need any help within ParentSquare, there is an additional training being offered this summer. ParentSquare is doing a week long summer camp. It's a digital experience. They have an admin summer camp and a teacher summer camp. So feel free to sign up for those if you're interested or share that with your teachers. We are also doing lots of training as a, a tech department so teachers can sign up for that. Sign up or administrators can sign up in Frontline, just search ParentSquare and you'll be able to find the different sessions that we're offering either in person or through Canvas courses digitally. Additionally, ParentSquare has a very. If you click on the question mark icon at the top right by your name in the ParentSquare website, you'll actually be able to search for anything here. And when you search their search guys. It's actually have step-by-step directions on how to do something. They have screenshots. They often have videos that go with it as well. This is also helpful for sharing with parents. So maybe you have a parent that doesn't know how to change their notification settings. You can just send the, on the link for the step-by-step with screenshots on how to do it. You do need to be signed into ParentSquare to actually access these. 

Alright. And of course, you can always contact us. So if you have any questions or you, you need support throughout the school year with ParentSquare, feel free to reach out to us at We'd be happy to work with you or feel free to reach out to me. There's my contact information as well. But we can definitely set up some time either over the summer. Or the beginning of the square to do PD with your teachers or even your admin team so that you can start off the year strong with ParentSquare. And thank you so much for your time and I look forward to supporting your school with ParentSquare.



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