G-120 - Professional Growth Opportunities


Updated at October 15th, 2024

Section G:



Human Resources

Knox County Board of Education Policy

Descriptor Term:


Professional Growth Opportunities

Descriptor Code:









In-service education is a program of planned activities designed to increase the competencies needed by all personnel in the performance of their responsibilities. Competencies are defined as the knowledge, skills, and attitudes which enable personnel to perform their tasks with maximum effectiveness.1


These employees shall show evidence of continual professional growth by attendance at in-service programs, seminars, and institutes, studying professional literature, meeting with other professionals for discussion and otherwise keeping abreast of research in methodology and curriculum as it relates to a student's learning.

Each principal and administrator with less than fifteen (15) years of experience as a principal, supervisor, or other administrator shall be required to attend the Tennessee Academy for School Leaders for 72 hours every five (5) years.2


A system-wide in-service committee, composed of membership from a cross-section of other personnel, shall assess system-wide needs, establish priorities, develop objectives, design activities, and evaluate the in-service program.1

Unscheduled in-service credit shall not be given while performing duties which are required as part of regular teaching assignments or for activities identified in the Tennessee State Department of Education's in-service guidelines as inappropriate. Individuals who miss in-service activities without prior approval of the Director of Schools shall have their last salary payment adjusted to compensate for the day(s) missed.


The immediate supervisor shall be responsible for providing in-service trainings. Absences to attend meetings relating to the employee's job description may be granted by the Director of Schools without loss of pay to the employee.

The staff development program must be designed to improve student learning. The models may include:

1) schools focusing on learning; 2) district and building administrators working with staff to clarify goals
and expectations through the School Improvement Plan; 3) focusing on changes in curricular,
instructional, and assessment practices with improved student learning as the goal; and 4) provides adequate appropriate training experiences at the school level and system level, with fellow assistance from curriculum generalists, specialists, and content area supervisors to help incorporate the new teacher learning into an ongoing practice.

Professional development opportunities for educators will help shape organizational cultures to promote high student performance and learning so that they can meet the challenge of tomorrow's world and workplace.

Staff development programs and activities shall reflect the National Standards for Staff Development and shall reflect the needs identified in school improvement plans.

The Board may pay expenses of selected personnel who participate in the training sessions conducted by the State Department of Education.

The Director of Schools shall involve central office personnel and staff development trainers in developing the system-wide staff development program and schedule and shall recommend it to the Board for approval.

Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year and each school year thereafter Knox County Schools shall ensure that all school personnel annually receives de-escalation training promulgated by the Tennessee Department of Safety.


Substitute teachers will receive the annual safety training required by T.C.A. § 49-6-805(7) or other instruction on emergency response procedures developed by the Knox County Board of Education and Knox County Schools.

Legal References:  

1. State Department of Education Guidelines for Planning Approval In-service Education Activities, 1997; T.C.A. § 49-6-3004(c)(1). 

2. T.C.A. § 49-5-5703(a).

3. T.C.A. § 49-6-805(7).

Approved as to Legal Form
By Knox County Law Department 8/16/2024
/Gary T. Dupler/Deputy Law Director

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