Promethean: AP9 - Getting Started and Creating a Promethean Account


Updated at October 3rd, 2024


Article Text:

Day - 1 Step by Step Checklist

  1.  Go to on your district computer to create/sign in  to your account using your email.
  2. Once signed in on your computer locate the Sign in to ActivPanel 9 boxes
  3. Turn your ActivPanel 9 on by pressing the red power button on the center console.
  4. If prompted with “Set up Your ActivPanel” select “Skip Set Up” then, “Accept”
  5. Select Sign In on your ActivPanel 9 *If you do not see this Hello/Welcome Screen, select Flame - Applications - Promethean - Account
  6.  Locate the Sign In Code now displayed on your ActivPanel and type it into the 6 boxes on your Promethean Dashboard.
  7. You will be prompted to set up your cloud connect (ability to save whiteboards, annotations, and screen captures back to a drive.) *This is a one time set-up with a 2 step verification process.
  8. White setting up cloud connect or trying to access Google you may encounter a screen that says “Connection is not private.” Select Continue - Advanced - Proceeed to WWW. *Sometimes needs to be done twice.

Once your Promethean Account has been established you can continue to use the Panel as a stand alone device by selecting Flame - Applications - Chromium. On Chromium you can sign into the curriculum site of choice. 

NFC Card:

Located inside the box, you will find 2 NFC cards which will allow you to simply tap your card to sign in. Follow the directions below to set up your card. Your Admin may collect the 2nd card. If you forget to sign out of your panel, you can sign out from your account from your computer. You can also disable a lost NFC card from your online account.

Project Computer Screen with Provided Cables:

Users will need to connect their district device to the ActivPanel 9 in these situations:

  • User is trying to access software based material (SMART Notebook, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PPT, ActivInspire, Coding Software Programs, ETC.)
  • Users need to show a video through a streaming platform other than YouTube.
  • Users need access to site based or external hard drives.
  • Users need to ActivPanel 0 to have access to their bookmarked web browser

If needing to have a direct connection, follow these steps

  • Plug in your computer with the usb-c chord or HDMI.
  • Once you have plugged this cord into your computer, find the matching port on the panel. The usb-c cord has a matching port located on the back of the panel, is is labeled usb-c. The same is true for the HDMI cord.
  • Once the cord is plugged into your computer and the panel you will find the last button on the center console. This is the source button.
  • Make sure your computer screen is on and push the source button. Once you push the source button a picture of the usb-c or HDMI cord will display, depending on which cord you used. Select the cord and now your computer screen will display on the panel.

Project your Computer Without Cables: Screen Share:

*Screen Share is WIFI dependant and can be accessed on the Guest and Promethean Account Profile.

Users will need to connect their district device to the Screen Share in these situations:

  • User is trying to access software based material without using cables (Microsoft Word, Microsoft PPT, ActivInspire, Coding Software Programs, ETC.)
  • Users need access to site based hard drives without using cables.
  • Users need the ActivPanel 9 to have access to their bookmarked web browser without using cables.
  • Users would like to project other mobile devices (computers, phones, tablets) that are on the KCS Network

If wanting to connect to a KCS device without cables, follow these steps:

  • On the ActivPanel 9 select Flame - Applications - Screen Share
  • A six digit code will appear. Select the people icon to enlarge the screen and enter the waiting room.
  • On a KCS Laptio find the Screenshare App
    • If using a Mac computer, Screen Share can be downloaded from Knox County Self Service.
    • If wanting to connect a tablet or ipad you will download the Promethean App from the App Store.
  • Once the app is open on a computer, it will ask for a code. Type the code displayed on the ActivPanel 9 into the boxes on the KCS computer.
    • Select the box that says enable touchback
    • Enter Waiting Room
  • Once in the waiting, 39 devices can be connected with the ability to see 4 screens at one time.
    • Select the devices you would like to see and press share.
      • To remove devices select the X next to that device or locate the X at the bottom of the waiting room to disconnect all devices.

Additional Training and Resources:

Visit for resources specific to KCS.

Visit for Promethean video tutorials.

Additional courses available for PD credit are posted in Frontline. To schedule onsite professional

development, fill out this FORM.

Questions? Email the Edtech Liaison team at



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