Promethean: End of Year Procedures


Updated at October 3rd, 2024

Article Text:

End of Year ActivPanel Procedures:

  1.  Move Files: Move any locally stored files on your Promethean Panel to a flash drive, One Drive, or Google Drive.
  2. Sign out:
    1. On a v7/Titanium Panel sign out of your Google Drive on Chrome and/or Chromium and Cloud Connect.
    2. On an AP9 ActivPanel sign out of your Promethean Account on your ActivPanel
  3.  Sleep Mode: DO NOT unplug or power off your Promethean Panel. DO NOT put anything over the screen to cover it. Before leaving for summer break, tap the power button once to put your panel in Sleep Mode.
  4. Promethean Peripherals: Your tech contact/TSA or Principal will provide directions on how items will be stored during the summer.
    1. V7 Peripherals: Silver pen, block eraser, black remote, USB - C, HDMI, touch cable.
    2. AP9 Peripherals: 2 white pens, white remote, USB - C, HDMI, touch cable.


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