Promethean: Inserting Links, Video and Sound to ActivInspire


Updated at October 3rd, 2024

Inserting Media Guide.pdf by KATHLEEN HADDAD

Article Text:

How to Insert Multimedia in ActivInspire

ActivInspire allows you to add images with a few simple clicks, adding even more engagement and interaction to your lessons and activities.

Insert Media from the File Icon.

Add media using the Insert Media From File icon from your toolbox, or go to Insert and select Media.

You will be prompted to locate and select the file from your device. Click Open.

You may then manipulate it like any other object.

With images, you can copy and paste from other sources directly onto your flipchart.


How to Insert Links in ActiveInspire

ActivInspire allows you to add website and file links to your flipcharts with a few simple clicks, adding even more engagement and interaction to your lessons and activities.

To add a website link to your FlipChart, click Inset and select Link.

Choose from File, Website, or Embedded HTML

Select Website to input a URL.

Decide how you would like the link to appear.

If the website is linked to an existing object, you will see a play icon when you hover over the object in Presentation Mode. Clicking the object will take you directly to the website.

To add a file link to your FlipChat, go to Insert and select Link.

Choose File. You will be prompted to locate and select the file from your device.

Click Open. Decide how you would like the link to appear. Select OK.


How to Add Videos in ActivInspire

ActivInspire makes it easy to add videos to your FlipCharts to maximize student learning.

For video files saved on your device, go to Insert, Media, then File.

Locate your video file and click Open.

There are no restrictions on what file types you can insert, but we recommend using file types playable by your device's default video player, such as MP4.

You can move the video window, resize it, and manipulate it in many of the same ways you can with other objects.

To embed videos onto your flip chart page go to Insert, Link, then Embedded HTML.

Copy the HTML code from the video host site and paste it into the Insert Embedded HTML box.

Select OK

The video is now embedded on the FlipChart page. To resize and manipulate, you must be in Design Mode.


How to Add Sound in ActivInspire

ActivInspire makes it easy to add sound files to your flipcharts to maximize student learning.

For audio files saved on your device, go to Insert, Media, then File.

Locate your audio file and click Open.

There are no restrictions on what file types you can insert, but we recommend using file types playable by your device's default video player, such as .wav or .mp3.

In Presentation Mode, clicking the speaker icon opens a controller and plays the sound file.

In Design Mode, you may manipulate the sound file like any other object.

To create a link or apply a sound to an object go to Insert, Link, and choose File.

Locate your file and click Open.

Make your selections regarding how the link will appear and where the file will be stored and click OK.

There are also a variety of sounds available within the Shared Resources that come with ActivInspire software. To find and apply sounds:

Go to your Resource Browser.

Select Shared Resources.

Expand the Sounds folder.

To add a sound, simply drag it over to your FlipChart page.



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