Section A - School District Organization
Descriptor |
Procedure Title |
Issued |
Revised |
AP-A-141 |
School Cancellation Due to Inclement Weather | December 2008 |
January 202 |
AP-A-142 |
School-Aged After School Child Care Program | June 1997 |
October 2003 |
Section B - School Board Operations
Descriptor |
Procedure Title |
Issued |
Revised |
AP-B-162 |
Submission of Items for Board of Education Agenda | March 2016 |
May 2024 |
AP-B-171 |
Complaints and Appeals to the Board | March 2018 |
AP-B-210 |
Open Records Requests | October 2016 |
October 2024 |
AP-B-230 |
Issuance and Maintenance of No Trespass Orders | August 2023 |
Section C- General School Administration
Descriptor |
Procedure Title |
Issued |
Revised |
AP-C-210 |
Visitors to the Schools | June 1997 |
October 2003 |
Section D - Fiscal Management
Descriptor |
Procedure Title |
Issued |
Revised |
AP-D-100 |
Unclaimed Property | April 2016 |
AP-D-120 |
State and Federal Aid Eligibility Determination | June 1997 |
August 2001 |
AP-D-130 |
Gifts and Bequests | June 1997 |
February 1999 |
AP-D-140 |
Receipt of Funds at School Level | June 1997 |
August 2001 |
AP-D-141 |
Investment of Funds at School Level | June 1997 |
August 2001 |
AP-D-150-1 |
Deposit of Funds | June 1997 |
February 1999 |
AP-D-150-2 |
Returned Checks | August 2001 |
AP-D-170 |
Accounting System | June 1997 |
August 2001 |
AP-D-171 |
Financial Reports | August 2001 |
AP-D-172 |
Audits | June 1997 |
August 2001 |
AP-D-180 |
Petty Cash Accounts | June 1997 |
August 2001 |
AP-D-190 |
Payroll | June 1997 |
August 2001 |
AP-D-200 |
Expenses and Reimbursements | June 1997 |
August 2001 |
AP-D-210 |
Inventory and Asset Management | June 1997 |
October 2001 |
AP-D-220-1 |
Surplus Property | June 1997 |
February 1999 |
AP-D-220-2 |
Discarding/Accepting Surplus Property | June 1997 |
October 2003 |
AP-D-230-1 |
Purchasing | June 1997 |
May 2011 |
AP-D-230-2 |
Fuel Purchasing | June 2015 |
September 2023 |
AP-D-232-1 |
Purchase Requisitions | June 1997 |
August 2001 |
AP-D-232-2 |
Purchase Orders and Contracts | June 1997 |
August 2001 |
AP-D-240-1 |
Student Activity Funds Management | June 1997 |
August 2001 |
AP-D-240-2 |
Re-Allocation of Student Activity Funds | December 2001 |
AP-D-250 |
School Support Organizations | June 2008 |
AP-D-260 | Vendor Relations | June 1997 | August 2001 |
AP-D-270 | Grants Management | March 2016 | July 2016 |
Section E - Business Management
Descriptor |
Procedure Title |
Issued |
Revised |
AP-E-100-1 |
Distribution Center Ordering | June 1997 |
May 2011 |
AP-E-100-2 |
Truck Driver Services | June 1997 |
August 2001 |
AP-E-110-1 |
Emergency Calls for School Buildings/Campus Issues | June 1997 |
May 2011 |
AP-E-110-2 |
Major Maintenance Projects - Physical Plant Upgrades | June 1997 |
May 2011 |
AP-E-110-3 |
Site Construction and Renovation Projects | June 1997 |
January 2009 |
AP-E-110-4 |
Asbestos Management | June 1997 |
October 2003 |
AP-E-110-5 |
Asbestos Safety | June 1997 |
October 2023 |
AP-E-110-6 |
Checking for Asbestos | June 1997 |
February 1999 |
AP-E-110-7 |
Dust Mop Delivery | June 1997 |
October 2003 |
AP-E-110-8 |
Energy Management Scheduling | June 1997 |
October 2003 |
AP-E-110-9 |
Overtime Procedures/Requirements for Custodians | June 1997 |
February 1999 |
AP-E-110-10 |
Pest Control | June 1997 |
October 2003 |
AP-E-120-1 |
Safety-Acknowledge and Release | June 1997 |
January 2009 |
AP-E-120-2 |
Safety-Maintenance Construction Projects | June 1997 |
AP-E-120-3 |
Notification of Potentially Hazardous Conditions - Interior Paint and Refinish | June 1997 |
AP-E-120-4 |
Notification of Potentially Dangerous Conditions - Vegetation Spraying | June 1997 |
February 1999 |
AP-E-121 |
Fire Regulations and Procedures | June 1997 |
August 2001 |
AP-E-122 |
Emergency Preparedness Plan | August 2001 |
AP-E-123 |
Crisis Management | August 2001 |
January 2009 |
AP-E-130-1 |
Community Use of School Facilities | June 1997 |
October 2021 |
AP-E-130-2 |
Schedules Use of School Facilities | June 1997 |
February 2014 |
AP-E-140 |
Work Order Requests | June 1997 |
October 2008 |
AP-E-150-1 | School Security Division | September 2020 | |
AP-E-150-2 | Key, Proximity Card, and Access Code Procedure | July 2016 | September 2023 |
AP-E-160 | Traffic and Parking Controls | August 2011 | |
AP-E-170 | Student Transportation Management | June 1997 | October 2008 |
AP-E-171 | Scheduling and Routing | June 1997 | October 2008 |
AP-E-172-1 | Contracted Bus Service | June 1997 | October 2008 |
AP-E-172-2 | Duties and Qualifications of Bus Drivers | June 1997 | |
AP-E-172-3 | Duties of Driver Assistants | June 1997 | |
AP-E-173 | Use of Privately-Owned Vehicles | June 1997 | October 2008 |
AP-E-191 | School Nutrition Program Charges | September 2019 | |
AP-E-200 | Insurance Management | June 1997 | |
AP-E-201 | Employee Accidents and Workers' Compensation | June 1997 | August 2001 |
Section F - Facility Expansion Program
Descriptor |
Procedure Title |
Issued |
Revised |
AP-F-110 |
Third-Party Funded Construction | September 2015 |
October 2021 |
AP-F-140-1 |
Naming Facilities | February 2021 |
AP-F-140-2 |
School Mascots and Other School Identifiers | February 2021 |
May 2022 |
Section G - Human Resources
Descriptor |
Procedure Title |
Issued |
Revised |
AP-G-100 |
Employee Threat Assessment Protocol | February 2011 |
July 2021 |
AP-G-130 |
Evaluation Grievances | July 2012 |
AP-G-180 |
Placing Information in Personnel Files | June 1997 |
January 2009 |
AP-G-212 |
Criminal History Records Information | November 2018 |
AP-G-212-1 |
Reporting Arrests and Convictions | November 2018 |
AP-G-280 |
Qualifications and Duties of Teachers | August 2019 |
AP-G-290-1 |
Application Process and Hiring of Professional Personnel | June 1997 |
July 2021 |
AP-G-290-2 |
Hiring Athletic Coaches | June 1997 |
July 2021 |
AP-G-290-3 |
Hiring Maintenance Personnel | June 1997 |
January 2009 |
AP-G-290-4 |
Hiring Custodians | June 1997 |
November 2018 |
AP-G-290-5 |
Hiring Food Service Employees | June 1997 |
January 2009 |
AP-G-290-6 |
Hiring Instructional Assistants | June 1997 |
January 2009 |
AP-G-290-7 |
Hiring Secretaries | June 1997 |
January 2009 |
AP-G-290-8 |
Hiring Non-Faculty Athletic Coaches | June 1997 |
January 2009 |
AP-G-320 |
Tuition Assistance | May 2008 |
January 2009 |
AP-G-330 |
Tenure | July 2021 |
AP-G-331 |
Non-Tenure | February 2016 |
July 2021 |
AP-G-360 |
Filling of Existing Vacancies and Transfers | June 1997 |
January 2009 |
AP-G-370 |
Administrative Suspension or Reassignment of an Employee Pending Investigation | December 2010 |
July 2021 |
AP-G-420-1 |
Determining Reasonable Accommodations | June 1997 |
July 2021 |
AP-G-420-2 |
Work Schedule of Custodians | June 1997 |
AP-G-460 |
Administrative Leave | June 1997 |
September 2003 |
AP-G-461 | Sick Leave | June 1997 | July 2021 |
AP-G-462 | Personal and Professional Leave | June 1997 | September 2003 |
AP-G-463-1 | Education Leave | June 1997 | September 2003 |
AP-G-463-2 | Child Care and Maternity Leave | June 1997 | July 2021 |
AP-G-463-3 | Administrative Leave Without Pay | August 2013 | July 2021 |
AP-G-463-4 | Long Term Leave of Absence | July 1995 | October 2008 |
AP-G-470 | Substitute Teachers | June 1997 | July 2021 |
AP-G-510 | Evaluation of Classified Employees | June 1997 | July 2021 |
AP-G-520 | Dismissal of Classified Personnel | July 2021 | |
AP-G-570 | Time Schedules of Classified Personnel | June 1997 | May 2008 |
Section H - Negotiations
Section H of the Knox County Board of Education Policy Manual was rescinded when the Professional Educators Collaborative Conferencing Act (PECCA) replaced the Education Professional Negotiation Act (EPNA) effective June 1, 2011. For policy information regarding PECCA, see Board Policy G-110 "Collaborative Conferencing."
No procedures to display at this time. Refer to Board Policy G-110
Section I - Instructional Goals and Objectives
Descriptor |
Procedure Title |
Issued |
Revised |
AP-I-110 |
Family Life Instruction | August 2011 |
AP-I-133 |
Senior Classification | May 2016 |
March 2022 |
AP-I-160 |
Special Education | June 1997 |
AP-I-171-1 |
Interscholastic Athletics | June 1997 |
AP-I-171-2 |
Homeschool Students Participation in Interscholastic Athletics | August 2011 |
March 2014 |
AP-I-171-3 |
Concussion Guidelines | February 2104 |
AP-I-172 |
Interscholastic Sports Examination | January 2009 |
AP-I-190 |
Organization for Instruction | June 1997 |
AP-I-211 |
Selection of Instructional Materials Other than Textbooks | August 2013 |
November 2023 |
AP-I-212 |
Reconsideration of Instructional Materials and Textbooks | June 1997 |
November 2023 |
AP-I-220-1 |
Access to Electronic Media | December 1998 |
AP-I-221 |
Web Pages | December 1998 |
September 2001 |
AP-I-231 |
Use of Copyright Materials in Educational Settings | November 2023 |
AP-I-241 |
School Library Collection Development | September 2022 |
November 2023 |
AP-I-250 |
Off-Campus Trips | December 2021 |
AP-I-260 |
School Volunteers | September 2012 |
October 2013 |
AP-I-280 |
Title I | June 1997 |
AP-I-310 |
Reporting Student Progress | June 1997 |
AP-I-340 | Promotion, Retention, Acceleration | June 1997 | |
AP-I-383 | Test Security | June 1997 | |
AP-I-450 | Public Charter Schools | October 2023 |
Section J - Students
Descriptor |
Procedure Title |
Issued |
Revised |
AP-J-120 |
Attendance | June 1997 |
January 2020 |
AP-J-122 |
Compulsory Attendance | June 1997 |
February 1999 |
AP-J-130-1 |
Home Schools | June 1997 |
AP-J-130-2 |
Granting Course Credit for Home School Students Entering a Knox County High School | June 2008 |
AP-J-140 |
Homeless Students | May 2003 |
April 2014 |
AP-J-150 |
School Admissions | June 1997 |
February 1999 |
AP-J-151 |
Student Assignment | June 1997 |
January 2002 |
AP-J-152 |
Student Transfers within the System | June 1997 |
October 2019 |
AP-J-170 |
Release During School Hours | June 1997 |
October 2001 |
AP-J-181 |
Procedural Due Process | June 1997 |
February 1999 |
AP-J-190 |
Discipline Procedure | June 1997 |
October 2003 |
AP-J-193 |
Student Suspensions | June 1997 |
October 2003 |
AP-J-194 |
Zero Tolerance Expulsions | October 2003 |
AP-J-200 |
Interrogations and Searches | June 1997 |
February 1999 |
AP-J-220 |
Use of Tobacco | June 1997 |
AP-J-240 |
Use of Personal Communication Devices in School | June 1997 |
AP-J-250 |
Bus Conduct | June 1997 |
February 1999 |
AP-J-280 |
Alternative School Programs | June 1997 |
October 2003 |
AP-J-281 |
Alternative School Services | October 2003 |
AP-J-355 |
Guidelines for Managing Life-Threatening Allergies | July 1995 |
July 2014 |
AP-J-359 |
Private Practitioners | October 2023 |
June 2024 |
AP-J-460 |
School Athletic Clubs | May 2010 |
August 2013 |